Curable App

Curable is an online pain psychology program. Modern research tells us that recurring pain is caused by multiple complex and interconnected factors. Treatments like drugs or chiropractic try to target some of the chemical or structural issues, but these issues are only part of the equation when it comes to recurring pain. It is now well-accepted by pain researchers that factors in our brain – such as the way we think and behave – play a major role in how physical pain recurs. The brain and nervous system create patterns around these thoughts and behaviors, and the cycle of pain gets programmed in. So even if pain started with a physical injury or illness, if it persists for a long period of time then it’s likely that the brain has started to play a more significant role. Fortunately, the cycle of pain can often be “de-programmed” as well. Curable educates and trains chronic pain sufferers about this. The entire program takes place online via a personal computer, tablet device, or smartphone and is delivered via a virtual pain coach. Curable is compatible with almost every device – Apple, Android, Windows, and more. Simply visit to get started.