What is Humans Heal?

Humans Heal is a collection of healing stories for the purpose of inspiring the possibility of healing in those who are suffering and for the purpose of directing those who are suffering to resources that have helped others on a similar path to lasting health. Some of the stories are recorded by us on the Humans Heal podcast and others are submitted directly or sourced from other trusted podcasts and websites. The information gathered from these stores is categorized by symptom and disease  so that you can easily find testimonials that pertain to your circumstance. Humans Heal does not offer any medical advice. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

What we do?

We inspire people who are suffering to believe in the possibility of healing and help guide them to resources that have worked for others.

Who we serve?

We serve people who are suffering from illness and are challenged by the belief that they can’t heal. We serve people who feel like they’ve tried everything and are close to losing hope. We serve people who feel alone and unsupported in their healing journey. We serve people who want to share their healing personal stories with the world. We serve people who enjoy listening to interesting, inspiring, true stories of people who have overcome great personal challenges.

How we serve?

We host a podcast called Humans Heal where we interview people who have healed.

We offer an easily searchable database of the true stories of people who have healed from over 50 different diseases. By listening, people who are suffering can know that lasting health is possible and learn from the action steps of those who have healed before them.


Our vision is that disease and illness no longer hinder people from achieving their life purpose and instead act as a catalyst for transformation. We are creating a world in which all humans to believe it is possible to heal and have the resources and support to do so.

What are our hopes and dreams?

Our hope is that everyone who is sick feels empowered to heal themselves and finds the support they need along their journey to perfect health. Our hope is that no one gives up on the possibility of healing and that the healing journey brings people to a deeper sense of wholeness and a deeper connection to spirit.

What problem are we solving for the greater good?

The problem is, many, if not the majority, of people on earth right now are suffering from some sort of physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses.

Many sick people are hopeless, and often when hopeless, one stops seeking resources and opportunities to heal because of the sheer lack of belief in healing.

When we are sick we have to focus most of our time, energy and  resources on getting well or staying alive instead of spending our time, energy and resources on serving the world and fulfilling our life purpose.

Many people feel alone and unsupported in the healing process and are unaware of the existing alternative methods of healing and are discounted from the mentors and healers who could help them get well.

The problem is many people want to try natural, holistic, alternative and integrative medicine but they don’t know where to start, who to trust or what actually works.

Many people don’t believe alternative, holistic, natural medicine methods will work for them and would benefit from hearing other’s stories.

What are we inspiring to change?

Ultimately we are aspiring to change the way we view disease in our culture and to help in the creation of a new system of health care.
We want to help people change their limiting beliefs that are preventing them from healing.

We are inspiring people to believe it is possible to fully heal their condition and providing them with tools that have worked for others who were suffering from the same disease but are now healthy.

What Motivates people to actually make the lifestyle changes they need to make in order to heal their bodies?

We are creating a way for qualitative data to be useful in the medical world. Most of the scientific studies on medication, supplements, and medical technologies cost a lot of money and the results make sense to the mind bot don’t touch the heart.  As emotional beings we respond more to stories then quantitative data.

For example, if I have diabetes and I read that the keto diet has a 60% success rate in reversing diabetes I will conclude that I “should” do the keto diet but my likelihood of actually feeling motivated to do so based on the cold hard numbers is low.  If I combine that statistic with listening to a story of someone just like me who was suffering in the same way and now feels healthier, happier and fitter than ever before I will be far more inspired to take action because I believe this reality is possible for me too. I would think “if this guy on the Humans Heal podcast could do it I can to!”

Values: (principles, beliefs)

  • The purpose of the heater is to empower the individual to heal themselves
  • Getting symptoms is a blessing! Symptoms sho us we are sick and need to heal in order to become more whole,  more impoierd and on the right path
  • All humans are capable of healing
  • You must believe it is possible to heal if you want to heal
  • If one person can do it anyone can do it
  • All illness has a mental/emotional/spiritual root cause
  • The healing journey is a spiritual journey
  • Most healing stories are interesting, spring and empowering 
  • Mindset and belief are import in the healing process 
  • You can heal yourself
  • You can’t heal alone
  • We can help heal each other
  • The path of healing is a path of awakening to to the consciousness empowerment of a meaningful life 
  • Healing is not an arduous process that takes away from the the important things to do in life. Healing is a necessary toward a more meaningful, more fulfilling, more emperors more enlightened future
  • The best thing an individual can do for the planet is hel him oe herself
  • Symptoms point to where we need to focus our healing energy and are not no to nuisance to be numbed by pain killers and medications that reduce symptoms with out treating the root cause of the hillness
  • The  there is always a mental/emption root causes of every illness (usually a subconscious belive) as well as a physical/biological root cause
  • Every illness has wisdom to it



Many people are sick and either don’t believe it is possible to heal and/or have tried many different approaches to no avail. Many people have healed from diseases that are considered by professionals to be incurable. These people want to share their healing stories with others. Healing stories are fascinating and inspiring for anyone to listen to. 

When we hear stories of other’s unlikely healing journeys, we open to the possibility that we can heal. We allow ourselves to believe that healing is possible for us. That we have the power and the resources to heal. 


Empower people to know that they are capable of self-healing and guide them to resources that have helped others to heal in the past.